When you contact a debt collection agency for the first time, your number one concern is likely whether or not that agency will be able to recover money that is owed to you or your company. The best part about working with our experienced team and successful team at Summit A•R is that most of these worries should be over as soon as you decide to reach out to us.

Concerns about Legal Issues

The next most pressing worry that our clients tend to express is that they are concerned about running into legal issues surrounding debt collection practices. Again, while legal issues regarding collection are a subject that you should be concerned about before you contact a debt collection agency, this is one of the best reasons to seek out dependable collection professionals to join your side.

Why You Can Trust a Collection Agency Regarding the Law

The reason why legal concerns should lead you to partner with a collection agency like Summit A•R is that our team works with collection laws every day. We also constantly review such laws and monitor any updates regarding how collection agents are legally allowed to interact with debtors. If you are concerned about understanding your rights as someone owed money by a debtor, we can also ensure you get the answers you need regarding debt collection law.

For example, when recent updates were made to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in late 2021, our team followed the changes closely and provided information about these changes to our clients. At Summit A•R, we are dedicated to keeping our clients informed about how collections work, so our team made a summary of these changes available to clients on this website.

Our Mandate for Ethical Collection Practices

We follow a P.H.D. collection philosophy, which stands for Preserve Human Dignity. This means that our team is committed to treating all people with decency and respect, no matter what side of the debt dispute they are on. Given our commitment to ethical collection practice, you’ll have little worry about facing your own legal problems when you work with our team.

It also means you won’t have to worry about collection agents willing to enter into unethical practices like harassment or intimidation. Our team will resolve your debt issue and recover your money fast without resorting to such tactics. If you’re looking for a team dedicated to fair debt collection practices, you’ve found the right collection agency.

Addition Protection Against Legal Problems

When business owners attempt to recover money from debtors alone, they stand the best chance of breaking the law and running into legal trouble. You can avoid this possibility entirely by contacting Summit A•R as soon as you realize you have a debt issue.

Entering into Legal Action Against a Debtor

While our team will make every attempt to resolve your need for reimbursement quickly and amicably, occasionally, further action against a debtor is required. For example, if the person who owes you money completely refuses to communicate about the issue and avoids contact with our team, it will likely be necessary to pursue legal action again them.

In this case, our team will send the debtor in question a notice about their debt collection lawsuit. Often the unappealing notion of arguing in the court of law is enough to convince the debtor to initiate a conversation with a member of our team, especially if they realize that they are in the wrong and have little chance of defending their side of the case.

If this is not the case, and your issue does end up in a courtroom, you can be sure that we will pursue the case to the full extent with the help of a qualified attorney.

Considering Medical Debt

If you’re looking for a leading medical collection company, our team can help. When looking for the right debt collection agency, you should always look for a company that offers services in the area you need.

Employee Reimbursement Debt

Likewise, if you’re an employer seeking reimbursement from a former employee, there are members of our team who specialize in employee debt recovery. Whether you’re trying to recover overpaid salary or unauthorized travel expenses, our team can help. In either case, the best way to recover employee reimbursement debt is to work with an experienced professional.

Education Reimbursement

Another type of debt that requires specialized services regards education debt reimbursement. Education reimbursement occurs when a student refuses or cannot pay their education fees. If you’re running an academic institution and need to know more about your options for education reimbursement, contact our team.

No matter what type of debt you need to pursue, working with a debt collection agency with an extensive record of success, like Summit A•R, will provide you with the best chance of avoiding the need to pursue a debt collection lawsuit to court, where it could drag on for an extensive period.

Facing lost income can put you in a stressful situation, especially when you don’t have any help in resolving the issue. Often our clients express an enormous amount of relief after making contact with our team because it can be a huge help just to be able to discuss your problem with an expert who knows how to create a solution. Instead of trying to face a debt dispute on your own, be sure to hire a collection agency to avoid a situation where you could end up facing litigation for breaking debt collection laws.

If someone owes money to you or your company, you need to act immediately to provide yourself with the best chance of recovering your funds. The first step is to contact our team and explain your situation. After that, we’ll take over your issue and ease your mind with the assurance that the problem will be resolved as quickly as possible. Please don’t wait until it is too late. Contact our team at Summit A•R today.