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Here Is Why Small Businesses Can Depend on Us

October 15, 2019 3:34 pm Published by

It’s a misconception that small businesses don’t need collection agencies. On the contrary, a small business can need more help with debt collection than a larger business because they may lack the resources to recover revenue from delinquent accounts.

Avoid These 9 Mistakes When Collecting Payment

October 8, 2019 3:28 pm Published by

As a debt collection agency with over 20 years of experience, we understand that many business owners must deal with unpaid invoices. While some are successful at recovering revenue, others fail to collect what they’re owed because of the errors they make during the debt recovery process.

These Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Debt Collection Needs

August 31, 2019 5:15 pm Published by

You can run into delinquent accounts regardless of the size of your enterprise. Customers who don’t pay on time or simply refuse to pay can hurt your ability to do business. Here, you may either try to recover this revenue yourself or leave it to your accounts department.

9 Signs Your Invoice May Not Get Paid on Time

August 18, 2019 4:56 pm Published by

At Summit A*R we’ve been in the debt collection business for over two decades. And from our experience, we know how important it is for businesses to be paid on time, especially those that lack the resources to survive with an undesirable account receivable turnover ratio.