“75 million people reported problems paying their medical bills or were paying off medical debt, up from 73 million in 2010 and 58 million in 2005. An estimated 48 million people were paying off medical debt in 2012, up from 44 million in 2010 and 37 million in 2005.” Medical debt is certainly on the rise, but collection of debts doesn’t have to be a headache. Securing a professional commercial debt collection service is a wise decision for the business that wants to keep their focus on new customers and sales of products or services. The cash available for the business purchases of products or supplies, payment of employees, advertising, building or equipment; is a must have need. Let our commercial debt collection agency follow up with overdue accounts while you focus on running the day to day operations of your business.

Here at Summit Account Resolution (Summit A*R), collection of medical fees is just one area that an experienced commercial collection agency such as ours can be a big help. We conduct proper methods and techniques for collection efforts to help your business keep up with late or outstanding medical dues for any medical service. Often times neither the medical professional nor their staff have the spare time needed to effectively pursue collection for previous services from patients. Resolving outstanding accounts in a dignified manner is our specialty. We strive to preserve the client/patient relationship while at the same time obtain the desired results for the client. Our agency understands the importance of conducting collection efforts in a considerate and compassionate manner, while at the same time making known to the patient the importance of the medical professional receiving payment for services rendered. You can stop by https://www.summitcollects.com/services/medical-collections/ anytime to read about our medical debt collection services.

Our agents are specially trained to talk and negotiate directly with the patient and work for a rational result for both parties. At times the patient is simply momentarily low on funds and unsure of how to handle their outstanding charges. When presented with a helpful and effective plan for resolving their unpaid debt, many find it comforting to know there is someone willing to discuss options for resolving their problem. As experts in the collection industry recovery of overdue bills, we maintain a quality reputation for the medical professional and practice. Just like medical collection, dental collection services frequently require persistence and patience when reaching out to the patient and you can click on https://www.summitcollects.com/services/dental-collection-solutions/ for more information. With the attitude of shared resolution to the problem for both sides rather than an immediate threat to take legal action, we work hard to avoid complications and further action.

Collection from cellular charge-backs due to early termination of a contract by the consumer is another service we provide. We find that this type of collection service is often the preferred method by cellular dealers both large and small. It is the best way to recover losses sustained by individuals cancelling cellular contracts early and then keeping the expensive devices without paying the difference agreed upon in the contract. Examples of other popular and convenient services offered by our collection service agency include credit reporting, lease collection and collection of bounced checks. If your business is experiencing trouble collecting on unpaid debts, contact us today and let us work for you. We will work hard to resolve your debts as quickly as possible in a completely professional manner.